Mathukia Surgery: 0208 553 9577

  1. The name of the group shall be the Woodlands Patient Participation Group, hereafter referred to as the WPPG.


2. The objectives of the WPPG shall be:​​​

  • To improve the already high level of service of Woodlands Family Medical Centre for the benefit of not only all the registered patients but also the doctors and staff.
  • To encourage the involvement of all, or as many, of the registered patients.


3. In furtherance of the objectives, but not otherwise, the group may exercise the right to:

  • Promote the health and wellbeing of all the patients of the practice and to work together irrespective of age, sex, ethnicity, ability, religion or political view.
  • Promote health improvements by educating, encouraging and assisting the patients in the practice.
  • Publicise and promote the work of the WPPG and organise meetings, events etc.
  • Work with groups of a similar nature and exchange information, advice and knowledge with them, including co-operation with other operating bodies, charities, statutory and non-statutory organisations.
  • Enlist staff and volunteers, as necessary, to conduct activities to meet the objectives.
  • Communicate information about the community which may affect healthcare.
  • Influence the provision of secondary healthcare and social care locally.
  • Monitor services, e.g. hospital discharge and support when back in the community. Give feedback to N.H.S. trusts on consultations.
  • Take any form of action that is lawful. Which is necessary to achieve the objectives of the WPPG.
  • Invite and receive contributions and raise funds where appropriate, to finance not only additional medical equipment or other facilities to improve the practice and/or fund the activities of the WPPG. ** If this is commenced in the future a treasurer and a bank account would be required to manage such funds.



  • Membership shall be open to any registered patient of Woodlands Family Medical Centre who has an interest in assisting the Group to achieve its aim and is willing to adhere to the rules of the Group.
  • Membership in no way gives special privileges for appointments or services in the practice and any member found to be abusing same will be asked to resign immediately as a member of WPPG.
  • No member will, using their membership of the WPPG, try to arrange or contact other Groups without clearance from the Chairperson or Practice Manager or both with, hopefully, the committee being consulted.
  • Any conversations and/or information made available at meetings must be treated as highly confidential unless otherwise stated. Any member found to be passing on any such information, to anyone outside of WPPG, would be asked to resign their membership.
  • Where it is considered membership would be detrimental to the aims and activities of the WPPG, the group shall have the power to refuse membership, or may terminate or suspend the membership of any member by resolution passed at a meeting. Members have the right to appeal via an independent adjudicator determined by mutual agreement of the management committee. Appeals must be made within 21 days.
  • Any member of the WPPG may resign his/her position by providing the Secretary with written notice.
  • All members MUST adhere to the NHS policy on zero tolerance.
  • Active members are expected to attend, in person, at least 4 meetings in any twelve month period. If a member fails to do so a letter / email will be sent explaining that their membership is to be reconsidered, the member will then have 14 days from the date of this correspondence in which to respond. Any responses will be discussed at the next meeting where a final decision will be made on whether to remove the member or not. The member will be notified accordingly.


5. The WPPG

The WPPG shall be administered by no less than three (3) people and no more than fifteen (15), who must be at least 16 years of age. The committee will be elected for a period of up to one year, but may be re-elected at the Group's AGM. **If a Treasurer is required this position will also be for a period of up to a year.


6. The WPPG Management Committee should consist of:

  • Chairperson,
  • Deputy Chairperson,
  • Practice Manager,
  • Deputy Practice Manager,
  • Secretary and or Note taker,
  • Treasurer (If required),
  • Clinical Representative,
  • A minimum of four (4) Committee Members ** The group agree that each and every member is a member of the committee.



  • The WPPG shall meet approximately once every six weeks. Meetings shall enable the WPPG to discuss actions and monitor progress to date, and to consider future developments.
  • All members shall be given at least fourteen (14) days’ notice of when a meeting is due to take place, unless it is deemed as an emergency.
  • Half of the group must be present in order for a meeting to take place.
  • It shall be the responsibility of the Chairperson to chair all meetings or a designated deputy in his / her absence. All meetings must be minuted and accessible to interested parties.
  • The AGM shall take place in October each year. Giving time for all outstanding business to be cleared up. At least fourteen (14) days' notice must be given.
  • All members are entitled to vote at the AGM. Voting shall be made by a show of hands.


8. FINANCE ** If this course of action is commenced.

  • Any money acquired by the WPPG, including donations, contributions and bequests, shall be paid into an account operated by the ~Chairperson; Treasurer; Secretary; and the Practice Manager in the name of the WPPG.
  • All funds must be applied to the objects of the WPPG and for no other purpose.
  • Bank accounts shall be opened in the name of the WPPG. Any deeds, cheques etc. relating to the WPPG's bank account shall be signed by at least two (2) of the following committee members: - Chairperson. Treasurer, Secretary, or Practice Manager.
  • Any income/expenditure shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer who will be accountable to ensure funds are utilised effectively and that the Group stays within budget. Official accounts shall be maintained, and will be examined annually by an independent accountant who is not a member of The WPPG. An annual financial report shall be presented at the AGM. The Group's accounting year shall run from 01 April to 31 March.
  • No member of the WPPG will take it upon themselves to organise fund raising of any kind, without first gaining permission of the Chairperson, Practice Manager and/or the Committee. Anyone so doing will be in breach of the WPPG Constitution and will be asked to resign.



  • Any changes to this constitution must be agreed by a majority vote at a special general meeting.
  • Amendments to this constitution must be conveyed to the secretary formally in writing.

The secretary and other members shall then decide on the date of a special general meeting to discuss such proposals, giving members at least four weeks (28 days) notice.



The WPPG may be dissolved if deemed necessary by the members in a majority vote at a special meeting. Any assets or remaining funds after debts have been paid shall be returned to their providers or transferred to local charities or similar groups at the discretion of the WPPG.

This constitution was adopted by the Woodland Patient Participation Group on 10/09/2012