Mathukia Surgery: 0208 553 9577

Another 12 months have been and gone so it’s time for me to recap what we as a group have been involved with. I’ll start as I usually do by mentioning the members of this group, as in my opinion, they have a single aim and that is to make this group achieve its objectives. I appreciate it’s easy to make such statements but I have witnessed their commitment throughout the year so I feel that I’m correct in what I’m saying. Once again, sadly, we have seen some members having to retire from the group but thankfully we have had new people join. Personally I firmly believe that patient participation is vitally important to Woodlands FMC, and so the issue of membership is something that we discussed at each meeting throughout year.


As I’ve mentioned in previous years if / when anybody reads this report they feel they’d like to know more about WPPG please leave your contact details with the reception and they’ll pass this onto the group. Remember WPPG is your group and it plays a very important role in the relationship between Woodlands FMC and you the patients.


I’d now like to mention how we’ve assisted the practice over the last year. As in the previous year we worked, in conjunction with the practice and Diabetes UK, in order to promote the diabetes awareness week. For information we had already started our planning for this event again in 2020 however as we all realise / must accept not only Woodlands FMC but also nationwide we all must all follow national guidelines regarding the coronavirus (covid-19) so this has been placed on hold for 2020.

On a more positive note WPPG carried out a face to face survey, with the patients, in November 2019 in order to assess how much the patients knew about the services offered by the practice. The results of this survey are available both on the patient group section of the Woodlands website and also the WPPG notice board.

Another area that I firmly believe is of vital importance to any group is communication. This is something that I’m not only very passionate about but also something that I continually stress. Personally I believe that we all need be open and honest if we genuinely want to deliver on our promises. However I feel that I should also reiterate, something I stated in previous years, that communication is a two way process and as such every participant must be willing listen to all sides of any discussion / issue.


So to recap this year has seen WPPG again being involved with the practice management in its aim of at least maintain but hopefully improve the patient experience at Woodlands.


Finally, before I close, I feel I must repeat the NHS advice regarding the coronavirus (covid-19)

  • Wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds.
  • Always wash your hands when you get home or into work.
  • Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or even your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze.
  • Put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards.
  • Avoid close contact with people who have symptoms of coronavirus.
  • Only travel on public transport if you need to.
  • Work from home, if you can.
  • Avoid social activities, such as going to pubs, restaurants, theatres and cinemas.
  • Avoid events with large groups of people.
  • Use phone, online services or apps to contact your GP or other NHS services.
  • Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean.
  • Don’t have visitors to your home, including friends and family.


Chairperson WPPG
April 2020