Mathukia Surgery: 0208 553 9577

Woodlands FMC and Patient Participation Group (WPPG) would like to draw patients' attention to the following:

  • WPPG is a voluntary group who meet about once a month.
  • WPPG would like to hear from you if you have any comments and or suggestions. A suggestion box is available in the reception area, alternatively you can contact them by email at:-
  • The practice has in excess of 13,050 registered patients.
  • On an average day, in addition to the doctors or nurses appointments, the receptionists deal with approximately 385 'face to face' patient contacts e.g. patients calling in for their prescriptions and general enquiries.
  • Practice opening times are displayed on posters in various locations throughout the building.
  • Please inform the practice if you change your address or telephone number. The practice would also appreciate having your email address and mobile number if you have either of these.
  • The practice would appreciate that if you need to cancel your appointment you give them as much notice as possible, this will help other patients by not letting the appointment go to waste.
  • If you require this type of information in another language or in larger print you only have to contact the surgery and they will endeavor to accommodate your request, alternatively you can choose your preferred language from the list at the top of this, or any of the website pages and make a translation, you can also increase the print size if you need to.